Gopi Vijaya, PhD
Physics Researcher
I am from Bangalore, India.
I completed BSc/MSc (Intg.) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India, and a PhD in Physics (Solar Energy) from the University of Houston.
I am currently working as a Science Director at the Foundation for Cultural Renewal and as a researcher for RSRS in Salt Lake City, USA.
Research Interests
My interests span areas of physics like Material Science, Astronomy, Light and Color, Electromagnetism, Atomic and Nuclear Theory, and social issues such as impact of Digital Technology and the composition of Social Systems.
In addition to tracing the historical developments, I strive to sift through inherent assumptions usually latent in the foundational works such as Newton’s Principia and Maxwell’s Electrodynamics etc., re-evaluating them in the context of phenomenology and Goethean Science.
As a Science Director, I coordinate and bring together international researchers for collaborative experiments, conferences and publications.